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How to use Astrology to Avoid Burnout

Last month, I hosted a few team-building and wellness workshops for a corporate retreat. One of the sessions was titled, How to use Astrology to Self-care.

There are so many aspects of astrology. It's a fun way to be introspective and gain insights into how you work, your relationships with others, and your role in the world. I find it so insightful that I'm creating a Career Astrology website to share how it's helped me to figure out my career.

Astrology 101: A Look at Your Moon Sign

One of the first things to look at when you're diving into astrology is your sun, moon, and rising. Your moon sign can help you develop a better self-care routine to avoid burnout. It represents your internal world, how you process emotions, and how you make others feel.

I've done lots of Career Astrology Readings but haven't used astrology for a group yet. The session last month for self-care was incredibly fun! It was our last workshop during the two-day retreat and people really enjoyed it.

What was the workshop like?

We had about 35 people in attendance and about 30% were new to the organization. Everyone at the retreat was part of the leadership team so a good working relationship was crucial to the start of their year (they are in education).

There were already natural groups formed based on schools, departments/roles, but also just on personality. During the session as they learned about their moon signs, they were able to relate to each other in a new way. Each sign has an element (fire, water, air, and earth). We had been working on developing intuition in a previous session and so I had them guess which element their moon sign would be in to put their intuition to the test.

Many guessed correctly!

I divided participants into each group based on the elements. Many were delighted to see people they had just met in the same group as them. (I was not surprised!) I shared information about how signs in a specific element shared similar self-care/self-soothing needs. They brainstormed ways they could keep each other accountable for taking better care of themselves by listing activities and practices they could incorporate into their lives.

Astrology x Self-care

Moon fire signs (aries, leo, and sagittarius) need to move their bodies and/or do something creative to feel better. These firey signs needs something passionate and exciting to boost their moods.

After brainstorming in this larger group, I went around and told them their specific sign so they could form even smaller groups. When you share a moon sign with someone or one that is complimentary, you deeply see someone. You just understand them. It's a powerful way to connect and show up for your coworkers especially when they are feeling stressed.

A Leo moon sign needs opportunities to be creative, to be appreciated, and seen to feel their best.

It gave them new tools and insights on how to manage stress to reduce burnout as they prepare for the academic year! I always tell clients that you need to make deposits into their self-care account, especially when there is nothing "wrong." You'll need to make withdrawals when you're not feeling your best and you'll be glad you put in the work. Self-care is to be done every day and not just going to the spa but really getting to know yourself and your needs.

If you're curious about how I define true self-care, read this article I wrote for District Fray Magazine a few years ago!

I'll definitely be hosting more team-building workshops in the future and incorporating other astrological elements like how you best communicate, your specific working style, and possible points of friction in an org.

Book a reading with Alice Hu, Career Astrologer, to learn more and receive personalized insights.