What is a Saturn Return?

We all have lessons we need to learn in this lifetime. Saturn, the taskmaster, is here to keep us on track! Saturn makes sure that we succeed through hard work and self-reflection. Saturn represents structures, authority, responsibility, and maturity.

With a saturn return, the planet comes back to the exact placement of where it was at your birth, signaling an end of a chapter and a new beginning. Your first saturn return will be around 29 and can be felt a few years before and after. It’s a wake-up call to adulthood, true adulthood that is. It occurs again in your mid/late 50s and 80s. The theme is always about following your purpose. Think of it as a check-in from the universe.

It can feel very stressful as people want to quit their jobs and start a completely different life. Managing uncertainty will be key. Know that others are on the journey with you.

What helped me during my saturn return? Spending more time in nature, meditating, and looking into various systems like astrology and human design. I also started to work with mentors and guides. It was difficult going through my saturn return but i feel much better now that i’ve chosen to honor my soul’s calling and do something that brings me joy.

Check out the saturn return 101 workshop and workbook here or book a career astrology reading to learn more about your saturn return.

Alice Husaturn return