What is a Career Clarity Reading?

This is a POWERFUL session. Your energy will be shifted. You'll feel excited to pursue whatever it is you want to call into your life. You will not be the same after this reading! I updated this reading in January 2022 to be even more potent and it’s for 90 minutes now.

You get the insights you need to take next steps in your career and/or business! When you’re trying to figure out a career pivot, how to get a promotion, start a business, or make a big business decision, your mind can get veryyyyy busy and it’s hard to think/see clearly.

It’s a session that will leave you feeling more confident about the future and encourage you to follow and develop your intuition.

My reading style allows you to feel empowered and energized after the call instead of thinking about specific timelines and when something will happen (This is me with psychic readings. When is it happening?!)

So what’s it like? It’s a powerful experience that will shift your energy. After the reading, you’ll feel empowered and re-energized about your professional possibilities. You don’t need to do anything to prep for the call and the less I know the better. Watch the video for a quick explanation! And if you’re curious about my journey from corporate to entrepreneur/psychic, check out this collection of stories!

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I’ve always loved helping people figure out their careers and now there’s a bit of magic added in there now. I never expected to become a “psychic” but what I’ve discovered these past two years with Woo Woo Company is that we are all psychic. We always have all the answers, we just need to look inward and trust ourselves. And sometimes you need a guide to inspire you / help you on your journey!
