Alice Hu
Human Design: Projector (The Guide)
Enneagram: 3w4 (The Pathfinder)
Sun: Leo (Your Cheerleader)
Moon & Rising: Capricorn (Practical & Grounded)
Myers Briggs: ENFJ (The Teacher)
Hi, my name is Alice and I’m the founder of Woo Woo Company. I’m so glad you found Woo Woo Company and me 🙋🏻♀️
My intuition 🔮 led me to start this company to encourage and inspire people to look within to find their truth through the various topics we share at events and online. Astrology, chakras, sound, and more are great tools to help you find your purpose and tap into your power. Saturn Return 🪐 hit me hard. When I started a regular yoga practice, I realized many things in my life needed to shift. My mind got quiet and my inner voice started to really get loud. I fought it for a long time. Focusing on what I should be doing, what my life should be like instead of what my heart wanted. I worked in consumer marketing and had a great job on paper. There was so much to be thankful for but I always was searching for something more. But my soul wanted to create and become an entrepreneur. To learn how to trust myself and create something from nothing.
When you start listening to your intuition, life changes. Once you start to cultivate it and follow it, magical things start to happen. I’m hoping I can spark something within you to help you live a more aligned life and to help you find your purpose 🙏🏻
Inclusivity and diversity are also very important to me. There aren’t many Asian American women in wellness - specifically focusing on emotional, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. Wellness is for everyone. Not just specific communities. My intention is to bring a different perspective to this space based on my experiences and my cultural background.
I used to run 6 - 8 events a month🗓 but now I’m focused on working with people 1:1 through Career Astrology Readings and Expanded Career Astrology Reports. If you want to connect, drop a line below! I also share more stories about my journey via Instagram and TikTok.