Are You in a "Bridge" Job?
What is a Bridge Job?
A lot of clients come to me knowing that eventually they want to do their own thing but it’s not time yet.
Sometimes you need a “bridge” job to help you make that transition.
What does a bridge job look like?
️TEST RUN: If you’ve been working in a corporate role, your bridge job could look like moving to a start-up or freelancing in your current industry.
️MONEY SAVER: A job that pays you $$$$ so you can save money to take the leap later.
️LET ME MAKE SURE: You could already be an entrepreneur but feeling wishy-washy about it. You take another job working for someone else to eventually realize you need to do your own thing. (I’ve done this!)
️SIDE HUSTLER ON CRUISE CONTROL: Staying in your current company but moving departments so you get to learn something new. There is a level of comfort and ease because you know the company/the role. It gives you the freedom to focus on side hustles, getting coaching, learning new things, etc.
These types of roles are wonderful in helping you transition into the thing you really want to do. Less shock to the nervous system (which happens when you straight up do a 180-degree change) and helps you feel more comfortable with change.
What was my experience like? I literally said F it. I’m going to quit and then spent a few years unsure about things, switching jobs, feeling emotionally up and down, and a whole lotta other things. I was impatient - it’s the Mars in Aries part of me. But then I also was like maybe this isn’t right and went back to work for someone else before doing my own thing again.
Now I recommend to my clients to take the bridge jobs and find gratitude in the current moment!! But also if you have that fire to just quit and figure things out, that’s ok too. You’re meant to learn and heal in that way.
I know it’s hard to stay in a role you don’t love but know that there are benefits. It’s easy to complain because it’s one of the ways we’ve been conditioned to connect with one another.
There’s always something to complain about if you allow yourself to do so. Instead of complaining, make a list of all the things you are grateful for. If you can shift your mindset to gratitude aka a similar vibration of abundance, it’s easier for you to call more of that in.
I remember when I wanted to quit so badly, but when I did, it wasn’t all that I thought it would be. I wasn’t any happier because I didn’t really have a plan I also didn’t have the mental tools to help me understand what I wanted and how to get there. Now that I’ve gone through it and figured out the spiritual practices and mindset techniques to get the clarity to move forward, I help others do the same.
Do you feel like you're in a bridge job? Or that your next opportunity might be one? If so, focus on what you'll learn and how it will help you transition into the next thing.
Book a reading with Alice Hu, Career Astrologer, to learn more and receive personalized insights.