Finding the Right Job: Looking at Your Big Three & South Node

What does it mean to find the right job?


Last week, I shared how a layoff helped me start my business. I'm really happy my story resonated with so many of you. 


This week, I'm thinking about those who don't want to start businesses or aren't quite ready. How do you find not the next thing but the right, next thing? 


Here is what I think will be the most helpful:

  1. Follow your intuition.

  2. Look at your astrology as a guide.

Intuition is best understood through the body. Does an opportunity excite you and feel expansive in your body? Or does it cause you to question yourself or do you find yourself talking yourself into it being a good fit?


If your intuition isn't as sharp as you'd like it right now because fear or the unknown is clouding it, let astrology remind and/or inspire you. 


The big three (sun, moon, rising) make up the basis of your personality. It also allows you to understand your values and needs in a job. What I believe is missing is the south node. 

The south node makes up the core part of who you are and then you move outward. 

I believe that sometimes people don't relate to astrology because their south node is very different from their sun/moon/rising signs. In my readings, when I describe the hidden part of the person's personality aka the south node, everyone always exclaims, “Wow that is me! I never understood why I felt this way but it all makes sense now.”

Each of these elements provides insights into your values with the north node sharing ideal job info. Here is an example: 

The Profile

  • North Node in Pisces

  • South Node in Virgo

  • Moon in Capricorn

  • Sun in Leo

  • Rising in Capricorn

Ideal Job + Needs/Values

  • North Node in Pisces > jobs related to art, music, healing, spirituality

  • South Node in Virgo > something that creates order or focuses on wellness

  • Moon in Capricorn > knowing that their efforts matter and are building something

  • Sun in Leo > ability to shine and be center stage

  • Rising in Capricorn > to be respected and known for their contributions

You can do this exercise yourself by looking at your free career astrology report (Scroll all the way down to figure out your south node sign.) Get the expanded career astrology report for specific insights into all of these placements! 


I hope this is helpful as you look for the right, next job ☺️

The Opposite Signs

Aries is opposite to Libra.

Taurus is opposite to Scorpio.

Gemini is opposite to Sagittarius.

Cancer is opposite to Capricorn.

Leo is opposite to Aquarius.

Virgo is opposite to Pisces.

*It works the other way as well. IE Opposite of Libra is Aries. 

Alice Hu