Period 9: A New 20 Year Cycle

February 4, 2024 marks the start of a new period. It's a super important day in Chinese astrology.

February 4th is the start of period nine. It's ruled by the fire element and lasts for 20 years. Some of the major themes that we're going to be experiencing is change around technology and innovation. It's really fast-paced time but can also be quite volatile as well.

Industries related to cybersecurity technology, changing the way that we live and work are really going to see kind of like like a quick rise in popularity. This is a period of time that is asking you to focus on finding purpose and alignment. It's a deeply spiritual time as well.

Period 9 energy is very similar to Pluto in Aquarius energy. They're both 20 year periods and Pluto and Aquarius deals with a lot of change and transformation for the collective. We’re being invited to think about what is best for all of us, not just for the few and how can we really lean into the unique side of ourselves.

Different ways of envisioning the future of living and working.

There's going to be so much change that we're already seeing, like with remote work, and Chat GPT.

A lot of change in work life balance dynamics. There's a big emphasis on like awakening to your purpose, what you're meant to be doing in this lifetime.

I really recommend that you look at your North Node. If you don't know your North Node placement, you go to my website to understand your life lessons, purpose, and potential job opportunities and paths that are going to be fulfilling. Jobs and businesses that are more aligned with your values and what your higher self, what your soul has decided that you are meant to be exploring right now.

These next 20 years brings us into a new period that is more innovative and a little bit more volatile but still a time for prosperity. The focus will be on

  • spirituality

  • your purpose

  • big changes related to technology

  • how we use technology in our everyday lives

  • how we can live and work better

There will also be an emphasis on middle aged women aka 30s, 40s, 50s. (Keep in mind it’s a 20 year period so people in their 20s now will experience this shift too.) 2024 is empowering us as women, especially women of color, to start businesses, whether it's a side hustle or something you do full time.

It is a changing of energy and tides of shifting of power that we've seen already and. I really do believe that your 30s, your 40s or 50s are going to be those moments you're really going to be thriving because there's such an emphasis on starting businesses when you're in your 20s, which also makes sense as well as you have much more energy. A lack of awareness so I think your ego, your overconfidence definitely helps.

But when you're in your 30s and 40s, that's when you understand yourself a lot more. You have more confidence, you have more connections, you have a stronger network, and because you know yourself better, you trust yourself and you're able to manage some of the ups and downs that come with entrepreneurship better. The anxiety, the frustration, the mental like health challenges.

Book a reading with Alice Hu, Career Astrologer, to understand how the South Node affects you and how astrology can help you get ahead in career and business.

Alice Hu