Activating Intuition for Career Clarity


We are officially in the Career Manifestation Portal 🌀


Many of you are already messaging me about job shifts and changes! I'm super excited for everyone as this next month is going to be filled with career upgrades from leaving old jobs to starting new businesses. 


This is the glow-up we've been waiting for! 


I know that there will be a theme of transition as we move through this time. Listening to your intuition will be super helpful in navigating changes and exploring new opportunities for yourself. 

I'm excited to be hosting a workshop later today to help you receive career clarity. 


Sign-up for the free career astrology workshop: activate intuition for career clarity! It will be later today, June 25th at 12pm PT. If you can't make the live time, sign up to receive the replay


I highly recommend having your expanded career astrology report for this session! I'll be sharing more about energetic hygiene, if your purpose is tied to activating your intuition, and facilitating exercises to activate your intuition. 


When I'm doing my readings, those with water signs in the big three or many planets in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) need to learn more about energetic hygiene! This is going to the be the perfect workshop to learn more about these things. 


P.S. With the Career Manifestation Portal now open, book yourself a 15-minute reading! I released these just for this season. I have a few left ⚡️ The Career Manifestation Portal Reading is packed with value and affordable. ($55 ⚡️⚡️⚡️)

Book a reading with Alice Hu, Career Astrologer, to understand how take advantage of the career manifestation portal of 2024.

Alice Hu