Resources to help you get to know yourself and your place in the world.

*New* Restorative Yoga: 45 minutes of an easy stretch focused yoga class to help you unwind. 

Guided Healing Session: Originally recorded for the BIPOC healing session, the guided meditation is now uploaded to the YouTube channel!

Exploring the Shadow Self Workbook: Supplement to the latest Into the Woo podcast episode. Explore the shadow self to start or continue your personal growth and spiritual journey. 

Subconscious Beliefs & Diversity Workbook: Supplement to the Diversity in Wellness & Subconscious Programming episode of Into the Woo. I share the importance of diversity in a space that is predominantly white. How my subconscious has been shaped by my time abroad and why it's important to realize to be mindful of what and who we surround ourselves with. This workbook will include questions a the intersection of diversity and subconscious beliefs.

Energetics of Manifestation Workshop Recording: If you missed it, you can find it here! How do you better connect with your energy? How do you shift your energy? How does energy relate to manifestation?
Boundaries Worksheet: Boundaries allow you to feel supported and safe. When your boundaries are crossed, conflict and/or burnout can arise. How do you figure out your boundaries? This worksheet will help you figure it out!
Dream Intuition: Dreams can tell us a lot about what is causing us stress and unresolved issues. They also provide an opportunity to gain clarity. Have a question you need to be answered? Have a tough decision to make? This dream intuition worksheet will help.

Sound Baths on YouTube: Great way to relax and get better sleep. There are recorded and live sessions. The easiest way to start meditating!
Recorded Chakra Healing Yoga + Sound Bath: Practice at your leisure with a recorded class. We focused on the heart to find ways to forgive, process grief, and call in more love and compassion.
Creating a Home Shrine for Meditation and Peace: A space you return to throughout the day or whenever you need to recollect yourself, find peace, and discover the answers to your questions. 

Woo Woo Coloring Page: Crystal themed doodling page for you! Wonderful way to destress and relax. 
Releasing Negative Energy Guided Meditation: A guided meditation to help you discover what negative emotion you may be holding onto in your body and mind. 
Love is a Mirror: Thinking about an ex? Has a past love come back into your life? I designed this worksheet to help you discover patterns in past partnerships for personal growth and better future/current relationships.

Releasing Trauma for Healing and Expansion: A workshop with Dr. Robert Ciprian. You'll get recordings of the workshop, notes, and a recorded meditation. Great for those who want to pinpoint and release a specific trauma, learn more about what trauma is, and/or learn techniques on how to release trauma.

Wellness Checklist for the morning, afternoon, evening, and anytime. I've found that adding back a routine does wonders for the mood/mind and spirit.

More Guided Meditations: I'm uploading a new one every week!

Manifesting 101: Short guide to introduce you to manifestation. If you want to create and take action during this time, check this out and the Manifestation Workbook below.

Manifestation Workbook: 20+ pages to help you figure out what you want this year and how to achieve it. Maybe this virus has changed your plans or you want to make a change. It will be your roadmap for the year. (Includes the Manifesting 101 info.)

Rituals: Using the start and end of the day to improve mood and productivity.

Work Wellness: Productivity and how to maximize your time. Now that most of us are working from home, this workbook will help you plan your day, week, and month. You'll feel focused and energized once you complete it!