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Intuitive Dating: The Final Swipe 2/24

  • dacha beer garden - the loft (map)

Dating has always been difficult but with dating apps things seem even more confusing at times. With more options, how do you find the right one? How can you tell from their profile or the first date that they are genuine and for you?

Woo Woo Company is excited to bring Nikki Novo from Miami to Washington, D.C. for an evening discussing how intuitive dating is the key to the final swipe. This event is perfect for those seeking a long-term relationship, have had trouble dating, always dating the wrong type, and/or want to break out of a dating rut.

In this workshop, you will learn how to use your intuition, rather than your own bias, to understand who the right fit for you is. This will also help those who are swiping in and finding it hard to pick. You will learn to sense how you feel rather than what you think. This is about connecting to your heart/intuition in order to know what is right for you. You will understand that once you lead with your heart, rather than their mind, you will open more doors and have more eligible suitors. Nikki Novo will teach this through a series of exercises and a guided meditation.

About Nikki Novo

Nikki Novo is a Cuban-American, bestselling author and intuitive dating coach. Her latest book, “The Final Swipe: Heal Your Heart, Find Your Person, and End the Dating Search for Good,” was listed as the number one dating book in Amazon. A certified hypnotherapist with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, ThetaHealer(r) and Reiki healer, Nikki has also been commissioned to speak by organizations like Equinox, Yahoo, Bumble, Aveeno, Macy’s, and others. She has been featured in Oprah Magazine, Marie Claire, NBC, and Telemundo.