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From Corporate to Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • Virtual Santa Monica (map)


Why do most businesses fail in the first year?

It's because the founder or founding team's mindset wasn't in the right space.

Maybe they were unsure about their business.

Got too caught up in their head and couldn't make the best decisions for their business.

Unclear about their vision and how to make it come to life.

It all comes down to mindset. Your brain needs to be in the right place for you and the business to succeed. You need to have a, "I will make it no matter what attitude." And that is why people say you need to be passionate about the business you're starting. You need to have that unwavering belief that it will work out and thus, you will do anything to find solutions and move forward.

If you're just feeling ok about the idea, it will be difficult for you to move past challenges. Trust me I've been there!

You need to shift your mindset and habits from corporate to entrepreneur. When you've been working a corporate job for many years, you're used to hard deadlines, pushing forward, and keeping yourself very busy for sometimes no reason. When you start your own business, you have the oportunity to change the way you work. The processes that helped you thrive in corporate, may not be the best fit for when you're running your own business with just one employee: you (or small team).

What to Expect:

During this workshop, I'll share common challenges when making this transition, how to start shifting your mindset when you have a job, and the routines and habits you need to get your mind feeling/thinking success when operating your business. Come with questions!

You'll leave the workshop with tools to help you manage this transition with more ease and grace!

This Workshop is for Those Who:

  • Want to leave their jobs and have an idea they want to pursue full time

  • Still figuring out what they want to do post-corporate life

  • Just started their business and came from a corporate background

  • Struggle with confidence and clarity to move forward in your business

  • OR want to learn some practices that have really helped me shift my mindset