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Using Astrology to Discover Your Business Idea

Astrology is an incredible tool for personal growth and career insights. Career astrology focuses on your birth chart placements that will give you more information about your ideal job and types of businesses that will give you the most fulfillment.

This workshop is for the person who wants to explore entrepreneurship but has no idea what type of business to create. Or for those who want to learn what astrology has to say about the business they are creating. Specifically, we will be looking at the North Node to understand your purpose and ideal biz!

 During this workshop, Alice Hu will cover the following topics:

1. Share more of her story

2. What is Your North and South Node?

3. How to use your Nodes to understand the business you're meant to create

4. The types of Friendships and SOs you need to feel supported to pursue your dreams

5. Cover North/South Node placements of attendees for personalized info for your next steps

6. Journaling Exercises + Next Steps

After the workshop, you’ll have more clarity on the business you want to create and feel more confident about your next steps! You'll also have the opportunity to have a first look at Alice's career astrology website, SATURN. You'll be able to get a free career astrology report.